Sanette Horn’s group had their very successful Kickstart meeting on 8 & 13 February. If you missed it, you most certainly missed out on a life changing gathering. Nevertheless, here is everything you need to catch up on to get your business going this year!
What is a Kickstart meeting?
A Kickstart meeting, is an exciting annual meeting held by group leaders for all their leaders and consultants, to “kick start their business” for the year. Some of Sanette’s leaders : Lizette Labuschagne, Sandra Kruger and Carine Kruger held their meeting together with Sanette at the Annique Beauty Salon and Day Spa and it turned out to be a great success, with large numbers of people attending and sharing their ideas and enthusiasm on how to Discover, Grow and Prosper (a theme for 2014).
The day was kicked off by Sanette, explaining that 2014 has prospects of high financial burdens for South Africans, with the price of fuel increasing steadily, school fees and many more concerns. The key words for the day – Discover, Grow, Prosper – brought about many ideas and wholesome, applicable examples for everyone to make their business profitable this year. The other theme for the day was France, in preparation for the 2014 Annique Première, to be held on 15 March at Gallagher estate in Midrand, where Sanette’s group will be representing France in the “Around the World in 90 Ways” theme for this year’s very anticipated and most glamorous event.
The first guest speaker was Hanneke Geldenhuys, a well known and dynamic business woman from Centurion. She owns numerous businesses and properties in Pretoria, the most popular being Passi Décor & Deli, Shelanti Chapel and Symphony Guesthouse. Hanneke explains how she did it on her own from scratch and shares her tips :
- Take risks in your field.
- You and your staff need to have a passion for the business.
- Never say “Now I’ve made it”, always continue to GROW.
- Have perseverance and commitment.
- Look the part and acquire all training and information that there is available.
- After you have started your business, you have to put back into it for at least 6 months.
- Nothing is going to happen if you don’t make it happen.
- Get out of your comfort zone, stop finding reasons not to start with your business. The only way to make a success, is to go for it and dive straight in. Loan money to start now, and let this be your incentive to make it work and pay back the money.
- See opportunities.
- Look after your clients (consultants) personally. Get on the phone and call them straight up. Ask how they are doing and what is happening in their business.
- Promote yourself, use your business everywhere in your life.
- Be social, so you will learn from others.
- Remind your clients that they can also be somebody (they can also be a consultant)
- Ask for feedback and advice from people around you.
- Get creative and flexible.
- Invest in advertising and marketing.
- Asses your attitude : Are you doing it for the right reasons?
- Very important : Learn the art of consistency. Always answer the phone friendly and professionally, no matter what the circumstances are.
Next up attendees had the opportunity to be addressed by Xen Ludick, General Manager from the Annique Health and Beauty Head Office. He shared some of the day’s most valuable information and got everybody on edge to participate in excellent exercises. Here is what Xen shared :
Recruiting : Also reffered to as Network development or Teambuilding.
- The best recruiting tools is your official branded Annique diary and Beautés.
- The only place to recruit is all around you! Share your business opportunity with everyone you meet.
- Recruits are your main source of passive income.
- Wear your Annique name badge on your left side (on your heart) so that the person can see it when you shake their hand.
Approach : How to do it.
- When you are telling people about your business, you need to wet their appetite.
- Tell people that Annique has good products AND a good skin care regime.
- Determine the needs of the person you are talking to.
- Adapt to your market. For example work on Saturdays and Sundays if you have to and then take Mondays off.
Elevator speech : Be impressive and informative.
- Have a 20 – 30 seconds elevator speech to talk to strangers. (The explanation of an elevator speech and the presentation is available from
- Practice your speech and adapt it regularly.
- Keep it natural.
- Be confident yet humble.
- Observe the person’s body language.
- Encourage questions.
- Be genuine.
- Include reasons to attract interest.
The perfect day in the life a consultant :
- Plan
- Implement
- Organize
- Monitor if it’s working
- Plan B
- Celebrate
Plan the year : Poor Planning Promotes Poor Performance!
- First allocate family time / me time.
- When are all the team meetings.
- Schedule consultant interactions.
- Time for training.
- Recruitment opportunities.
- Sales activities.
- Stick to the plan as much as possible and work in the time if you miss out on it.
Unfortunately time was running out but Xen could go on for the rest of the day to interest everybody with his motivation and knowledge. In conclusion he added that one should give REAL recognition to all challenges big or small and that one should always have a target(s) of what you would like to achieve or how many people you would like to recruit – plan ahead and ask yourself how much your time is worth.
It was time for the “Star of the Day” to share with us…Hannelie Strydom has very recently made a name for herself in the world of Annique. After joining the team in August 2013, she has let nothing stand in her way to achieve greatness and success. She shares that she joined as a result of the enthusiasm of other consultants around her and was looking for a challenge after she no longer needed to be as involved in her son’s homework. She made it her goal that she wants to qualify for the overseas trips and started brewing a passion for Multi Level Marketing. As a result of her passion, she has managed to recruit 7 new consultants in her 6 months that she has been an active consultant. Aside from Hannelie’s contagious enthusiasm and success, she also has an amazing sales figure that is very rewarding. She gives her credit to the fact that she thinks out of the box.
Here are some examples of Hannelie’s handywork :
· Thinking out of the box – she placed an advertisement in their local newspaper and got great amounts of feedback.
· She prepared a presentation and went to see someone at a local school and organized pamper parties at the school – of which she agreed to share 10% of the proceeds to the school.
· She has negotiated with the school to sell the lifestyle shake during break time in ready made in take away cups.
· She intensively studies all the material in the training manual, presentations and the success guide to boost her knowledge and self-confidence. She also attends all the training on products, make-up, IT and anything possible.
· She remains enthusiastic at all times and spreads it!
Awards, rewards and recognition
Rewards were awarded for growth for the period of November 2013 – January 2014. Here are some of the ladies who received awards on the two days:
Sandra Kruger
Joan du Plessis
Sarie van Wyk
Corné Lourens
Clarissa van Loggerenberg
Desiree Mamvikane
Diana Rabie
Lesego Kekana
Charmaine Pelarini
Karin King
Michelle Botha
Other awards for the two days were as follows :
Sandra Kruger – Consultant of the day
Lara Rheede – Biggest order of the day
Hannelie Strydom – Consultant of the day
Elba Slabbert – Biggest order of the day
All of these winners received lovely prizes, ranging from products, product vouchers, spa vouchers, goodie hampers etc. It is worth mentioning that all of the attendees also received a gift valued at R169 AND a branded collectors mug!
Over all it was a great way to kick start the year and get everybody back on track with their businesses. For those who could not attend this time, be sure not to miss out on any of the next meetings. Its just not the same to hear what was said, as to have been there and to have been part of it. None the less, we try our best to keep everyone as updated as possible and love to hear from you. Please contact us should you have any queries, suggestions or would like us to send you more information :
012 654 4758 (Monday – Friday 8:00 – 17:00)