As many of you may know, April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and as an attempt to raise awareness about sexual violence, combat rape myths and victim blaming, and demonstrate support for all the survivors, an international non profit organisation called Red My Lips has launched a campaign encouraging every woman who feels strongly about sexual assault to wear red lipstick throughout the month of April.

The idea behind the campaign is to educate the community as well as the survivors, to inspire change, and the allow the survivors to speak up against the sexual assault, allowing them freedom of speech and a shift in victim-blaming attitudes. Many survivors choose silence due to social factors. They may feel ashamed or think they provoked the act, when in actual fact it’s nothing less than an act of domination, entitlement, and violence.

Red My Lips is an amazing campaign allowing a platform for the community to come together and stand up against such a hateful crime and giving survivors a voice, whilst looking beautiful at the same time. When you look beautiful, you feel beautiful. When you feel beautiful, you heal on the inside, which is an extremely important process to go through as a survivor. The first step to healing though, is to realise you’re a survivor and not a victim.



Red My Lips starts on the 1st of April at 12:00am and lasts until the 30th of April 2015 at midnight. What better way to spread the message than with Annique’s very own Ravishing Red Lipstick available at Annique Beauty Salon & Day Spa



Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world would do this, it would change the earth – William Faulkner

Annique Day Spa

195 Constance Avenue

Clubview, Centurion

012 654 0602/7